Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Schools Robbing Our Kids

Sir Ken Rolanson ideas of inner-mingling creativity and academics is amazingly accurate.
We are all too often steered toward things that will create a stable financial future for our families leaving our true interests behind.
I have ADHD and I find myself moving around and my mind often wanders and I find it hard to focus for long perids of time. Many believed I would not be able to master control of myself and be productive.
I am not on medication and I feel not being on it frees my mind for creative thoughts. I know I work harder at my school subjects than most and my homework does take me twice as long, but in the end it is worth it for me to have a free mind rather than be drugged up and dulling my creativity.
I am an "A" student in all my classes and I find I have a different view on alot of subjects that people usually have trouble with. This view aids me in success.
With my ADHD I have entered the military and had a successful 8 yrs there and now I am in college and I am succeeding.
My creativity served me well when I was over serving in the War. Without it, there were situations that could of turned out very differently causing the end of my life or the life of one of my soldiers.
In closing, I believe that creativity and academics can co-exsist and the outcome will be talented, educated kids who will look at things differently and lets face it, the world needs a new outlook.


  1. Chris, you confirm my belief that sometimes figuring out how to survive with a disorder (like ADHD)can be more powerful than any medication. You have obviously figured out how to be successful in a structured classroom in spite of ADHD.

  2. It's great that you found creativity in yourself without having to take the drugs. This is a great blog and thank you for serving :)

  3. Its really assuring to hear you served in Iraq because my dad did too so we both know what it is like. My dad has been in the military for many many many years! And I strongly agree that schools are robbing us of our creativity.
