Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is America the Solution to the World’s Crisis?

Is America the solution to the world’s crisis? Here are my thoughts:
I thought about this blog for quite some time. I was thinking I would go religious and wish for the second coming of Jesus Christ, then I thought maybe I would wish for world peace like one of those bubble headed pageant girls, or maybe I would wish for everyone to just get along and obey the golden rule.
None of these wishes seemed realistic to me. The religious one only makes sense if you believe in God. The world peace wish just seems to be too widely used and the golden rule, though I believe this rule could change the world, it just seemed too obvious of a wish.
I finally decided that I wanted my wishes to be real and ones that could truly be implemented.
A country is only as good as its people, so I am focusing my 3 wishes on changing the lives of the people and in return they will change the country and then the country will help change the world. I am also going to direct my 3 wishes solely to the American people, because I believe if given the proper tools we can start this chain and see it through.
Americans have good hearts. You saw it after 9-11 when everyone banded together to help. You saw it after Hurricane Katrina. You see it now in Haiti. Given the opportunity, Americans will do the right thing. What would stop Americans from doing the right thing? I believe it is their own personal financial situation which limits them to the good they can do.
Take the average American household, it is plagued with debt. Medical bills, college bills, car payments, mortgage etc. All this debt keeps Americans down. Keeps Americans from being the great people I know they could be. I say let’s cut the debt, give Americans relief and give them an opportunity to change the world.
My first wish would be free college to those who wish to attend. By giving free college, you are not only investing in the individual’s future, you are investing in America’s future, creating a stronger more educated nation.
My second wish would be free healthcare to those who are sick. Give free healthcare to those in need. This just makes sense to me. People have the burden of medical bills weighing them down, forcing them to file bankruptcy, forcing them to foreclose on their house and forcing them to lose all they have because someone in their family is sick and needs healthcare.
My third wish would be that Americans can only live within their financial means. Having Americans spend only the money they earn, creates a stable foundation and will almost end bankruptcy, foreclosures and the homeless.
If these 3 wishes were granted, Americans would be highly educated, financially stable and be in a better situation to help the world as a nation. You can’t help someone else if you have not helped yourself first. We need to get in a better place before we can help the world get in a better place.
In summary, give Americans a helping hand and they in return will extend that helping hand to others.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

People Are Misusing Your Money, Do You Care?

If you gave money to a church and instead of using it for missionary work the preacher has a new Lexus sitting outside on Sunday morning, his family is dressed in designer clothes, he is out eating at the Freight House 3-4 days out of the week and he has the best home entertainment system money can buy, would you be upset? Would you then question if you are going to keep giving your money to this church?
This scenario about the church and the priest is a parallel example to America’s Welfare System. You, the tax payer give money out of your check every payday to help people get back on their feet and people find ways to abuse the system to qualify for benefits that they do not deserve.
They remain unmarried, so it looks as if they are supporting the family on only “1” income. This tips the income/dependant ratio in their favor. They also have several babies to increase the dependants living off that “1” income, further tipping the income/dependant ratio in their favor. They do off the books jobs such as babysitting, mechanic work or handyman work to receive money “under the table”, which never gets reported as income, so it looks as if their income is actually lower than it really is, which in return tips the ration more in their favor.
They do whatever they can to remain eligible for benefits. The benefits are pretty good for not working. Monthly allowance for food, which comes on a card similar to a debit card (so not to embarrass those who use it). They also receive free milk, cheese, eggs, peanut-butter and cereal through the WIC program. They also receive free or discounted healthcare when many working Americans do not even have healthcare.
They get pregnant over and over again on your dime. Because they are unmarried and only have “1” income they do not have to pay for any of the expenses of having a baby, but because married couples have 2 incomes they have to pay for all the expenses of having a baby. If you ever have had a baby, it is not inexpensive and it can put you into a financial hole.
I am rather fed up with seeing people who do not even work living a better quality of life than I am. They are driving the new “pimped” out rides, wearing the latest fashions, having the best cable package available and dining out on the regular, all while receiving welfare benefits (AKA your money).
I do not believe our tax money should go to support people who abuse the system. Just because they do not know how to use contraceptives or are too lazy to do an honest day’s work, does not mean I need to pay for their living expenses.
I do believe welfare has a purpose. It is to help stabilize people’s lives who are trying to better their situation. Welfare is a helping hand to help you reach financial stability. It is a stepping stone not a way of life.
I am a full time student and a part time employee. If I am not working to support my family, I am attending class to better my quality of life. What is my motivation? Why shouldn’t I just quit my job and school and collect welfare?
I am sure I will have supporters and critics about this blog, I welcome both sides to comment.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Come Across in La Crosse

Have you ever witnessed dangerous or selfish driving? Have you ever said to yourself, “How did they get a license?” or “Where is a cop when you need one? “ Have you ever been so frustrated you feel like hitting the accelerator and smashing the car in front of you?
Well, I have and here are the things I have come across in La Crosse.
It seems if you are over the age of 60 and decide to drive on the highway it is a senior citizens right to go 40 miles an hour on the highway, or have their right directional on for over 3 miles. It also seems if you are under the age of 30, you have the ability to do one or more of the following in a moving vehicle. Texting or checking your email, eating, putting on make-up, balancing a checkbook, fumbling around looking for your IPOD, yelling and slapping your boyfriend/girlfriend, preparing your 2009 tax return, reading your favorite novel or engaging in public displays of affection that are rated way past PG.
People are also oblivious that there is a fast/passing lane. This is the farthest left lane on the highway. This lane is used to pass people or you are to be moving at a pace that exceeds the right lanes on the highway. They also seem to misunderstand how to merge onto a highway. Why is it so hard for people to accelerate and turn their head to “merge” into the flow of traffic?
If there is a wreck or a traffic stop people seem to be drawn to this as if it was the second coming of Christ, they slow down to 20 miles an hour on the highway to get a better view. Then on the other hand you have people you are in such a hurry to get a double expresso they are on the highway doing 70MPH, weaving through traffic on a dummy tire.
It has also been brought to my attention that La Crosse has a high population of height challenged people who can not see over their steering wheel and can barely push down the accelerator and then there are those who are sitting 2 inches from the windshield and still have to squint to see the sign for Wal-Mart.
I also find that people have a hard time performing the basics of driving such as riding their brake and there is no one in front of them for at least a half mile, taking more than 3 times to parallel park, refusing to turn right on red or scared to turn left from a one way street to another one way street, or are uncertain if their car takes unleaded or diesel.
Then you have the selfish driver who stops in the middle of the road blocking the traffic behind them to let out their passengers, or the ones who are parked in the middle of the road with their hazards on, so they can run into Jimmy John’s to satisfy a crave. How about when someone pulls out in front of you and then go’s under the speed limit. My favorite of all is when I am on Highway 16 and I see a car in front of me riding right next to another car, blocking traffic from getting around them.
These are the things that I have come across in La Crosse. These situations are aggravating and most of them can be avoided by implementing 2 things. The first is if people become aware of their surroundings on the road to better assess their driving habits and the second is if people realized that they are not the only one’s on the road and should act accordingly. Driving is already a headache; do we really need to add to the problem with an obvious disregard to other drivers on the road?