Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thoughts on Cause and Effect:

More American children are growing up in single parent homes.

Marriages in America have a 40-50% failure rate.

American society has become more tolerant of divorce than other cultures.

American marriages are easy to walk away from when times get tough.

Both partners are tempted to engage in affairs, because there is a lack of commitment to the marriage.

Sex plays a big role in American society.

In America, peoples’ success is measured on their wealth and income, this pushes people to put their careers first and their family second.

Americans are more likely to pick their partners solely based on attraction disregarding the attributes that would create a healthy stable marriage.

Financial problems is the main reason for people getting a divorce.

Americans often live together first, as a trial period and these relationships do not last.

American families lack religion practices that would hold a family together.

One person from the marriage is in prison.

One person from the marriage is deployed in the military.

Married couples have less sexual contact after they get married vs when they were dating

Married couples tend to try to change the other person

Find statistics on divorce in America, people in jail, people deployed, marriages vs divorces, Americans practicing religion, how big of a role does sex play in America, poll on how people pick their mate, how easy it is to get a divorce, how many Americans live together before they marry, how often married couples have sex.

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