Sunday, March 28, 2010

Thoughts on Cause and Effect:

More American children are growing up in single parent homes.

Marriages in America have a 40-50% failure rate.

American society has become more tolerant of divorce than other cultures.

American marriages are easy to walk away from when times get tough.

Both partners are tempted to engage in affairs, because there is a lack of commitment to the marriage.

Sex plays a big role in American society.

In America, peoples’ success is measured on their wealth and income, this pushes people to put their careers first and their family second.

Americans are more likely to pick their partners solely based on attraction disregarding the attributes that would create a healthy stable marriage.

Financial problems is the main reason for people getting a divorce.

Americans often live together first, as a trial period and these relationships do not last.

American families lack religion practices that would hold a family together.

One person from the marriage is in prison.

One person from the marriage is deployed in the military.

Married couples have less sexual contact after they get married vs when they were dating

Married couples tend to try to change the other person

Find statistics on divorce in America, people in jail, people deployed, marriages vs divorces, Americans practicing religion, how big of a role does sex play in America, poll on how people pick their mate, how easy it is to get a divorce, how many Americans live together before they marry, how often married couples have sex.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Schools Robbing Our Kids

Sir Ken Rolanson ideas of inner-mingling creativity and academics is amazingly accurate.
We are all too often steered toward things that will create a stable financial future for our families leaving our true interests behind.
I have ADHD and I find myself moving around and my mind often wanders and I find it hard to focus for long perids of time. Many believed I would not be able to master control of myself and be productive.
I am not on medication and I feel not being on it frees my mind for creative thoughts. I know I work harder at my school subjects than most and my homework does take me twice as long, but in the end it is worth it for me to have a free mind rather than be drugged up and dulling my creativity.
I am an "A" student in all my classes and I find I have a different view on alot of subjects that people usually have trouble with. This view aids me in success.
With my ADHD I have entered the military and had a successful 8 yrs there and now I am in college and I am succeeding.
My creativity served me well when I was over serving in the War. Without it, there were situations that could of turned out very differently causing the end of my life or the life of one of my soldiers.
In closing, I believe that creativity and academics can co-exsist and the outcome will be talented, educated kids who will look at things differently and lets face it, the world needs a new outlook.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Circle Effect

It is 6:15 am. I had been up for 17 hours the day prior. I am in between sleep and reality; when a voice enters my dreams. The voice is rather vulgar and ear piercing. I start to come to and try to focus on the voice. I listen, trying to arrange the sounds into words when it comes all too clear what I am hearing.I have been abruptly awoken and am now being forced to listen to another session of my neighbor’s uncontrollable rants. I sigh. This has become my own personal Jerry Springer Show. If my neighbor is having any issues in life; she believes the neighborhood should know about it.Today, it seems as if her 2 kids have pushed the right combination of buttons to send her into a mental breakdown. Yesterday, it was a confrontation with her live-in boyfriend about his ability or lack thereof to remain faithful.With her almost daily display of yelling, slamming, throwing or stomping I know way too much about my neighbor and a lot I wish I could erase.I have “overheard” child neglect, boyfriend issues, money troubles and yes even sexual encounters. It seems as if my neighbor is unaware she lives in a residential neighborhood and not in a remote location off some unpaved road in a trailer.
I started to examine what would make an individual act in this manner. I have concluded it is not entirely her fault, she is but a product of poor upbringing and a lack of civilized social interaction. She obviously comes from a family who believes it is okay to express their emotions in outlandish verbal and physical behavior. She has also surrounded herself with peers who have no class and no self respect.She will continue to act in this manner creating an environment for her kids much like the one she grew up in. This is the circle effect. Her parents created this Jerry Springer freak show, which was passed onto her and will inevitably be passed onto her kids.Her kids are already showing signs of this barbaric behavior. They don’t know how to ask for anything. They throw things, scream and stomp their feet until she either screams at them or gives them what they want.This cycle will continue until 2 things are resolved. One, someone along the line realizes there is a better way to express what you are feeling than to act in such an unflattering manner. Second, come to the realization that most personal matters are just that.I remember something my grandfather told me. Trash breeds trash. I hope for society’s sake this is not true.This may be awful, but I will not let my daughter play with her kids. I am afraid she will be influenced by them, and I have worked really hard on teaching her manners and appropriate behavior.